What to Expect
Please join us. We would love to meet you.
Our worship service begins at 10:00 am in person or live stream on our Facebook page. Previously recorded worship services are also located on our Facebook page. Please join us to celebrate and praise our Lord!
We love to sing and praise our Lord! The Praise Band and Choir leads the congregation in song during Sunday worship at 10:00 am.
We love kids! Nursery services and Children's time are offered during the Sunday worship service.
We are located on Jolliff Road in Chesapeake, VA. Please join us early on Sunday mornings prior to worship beginning to find your seat and grab a cup of coffee. Visitor parking is located at the front of the church, and a friendly face will greet you at the entrance doors.
Scripture brings us closer to our Lord and Savior. Please join us at 9:00 am on Sundays in one of our Bible Study Classes.
Please wear what you want! You will find people dressed casually in jeans or casual business attire.